Rescue FAQ

You've found the answer page for all things rescue related! If you've got a burning question on your mind while you're waiting for us to swoop in, refer below and relieve yourself!

Questions About Rescue Me
My battery's dead, I'm in KL and I can't move. Can you help?

Yes we can! No need to tow your car to the nearest mechanic, go have a cup of teh tarik and we will come to you!

How soon will you arrive?

We are committed to reaching you as soon as possible. We strive to arrive within the hour, but may be longer during rush hour or busy periods.

But I'm in a car park.. Can you find me?

Yes we can! Just remember to quote the car park location and if possible, the level and car park lot number. E.g. B2 F4

Will any battery fit my car?

Unfortunately no, that's why we have a Battery Matcher to matchmake your car to the perfect sized battery!

How can I get help?

Fill in your details and breakdown location here and someone will be in contact with you. Alternatively, you can call us on 1800-1800-10.